good morning everybody um we are on the way to the vet as not usual but as quite often we do um The Little Pony Daisy has not been feeling well lately she’s just kind of been off of her food and just she just you can tell something’s just not right with her and she hasn’t been to the vet in probably 2 years so we thought just better be safe than sorry and we’re going to go have her checked out and then and since we uh are going anyway we brought little Jewel along is she because oh okay she’s back there in
the seat yeah she’s so cute because she’s so friendly and everybody loves her that uh all you’d have to do to steal her would be open the car door as you drove past our house and she’d jump in with you so we’re going to have her microchipped just as a precaution um that’s a good thing to do with all your dogs anyway and we have never got around to doing it with juel so um she’s very special to us we’re going to have her microchipped um and make sure that Daisy’s okay around a little okay okay so the vet’s not out here yet
but we’re going to go ahead and get her blanket off so she’s all ready for it him so you have a little bit of an idea of what exactly is going on with Daisy uh before we see the vet um so a couple days ago I found her and she just did not look like she felt good her head was hanging she wasn’t eating she was laying down a bunch so we were a little concerned about colic so we ended ah Thomas this is like the third time I’ve tried to do this and he keeps biting the back of my leg oh stop it you’re going
to get it mister so we end giving her a shot of banamine and our neighbors had something called immediate response which we had never used before but it’s specifically for colock so we gave her that and um I walked her a whole bunch and within like 30 minutes of giving her that she did go to the bathroom so that was good and by the next day um she had um stop it she had improvements he’s got a hold of my coat that’s what he just did to my pants leg but she she did have Improvement and um but it wasn’t you know she you could
still tell she’s not herself um if you push on her stomach it would hurt um she’s she was eating but just more like nibbles and stuff so um just you know she’s probably going to improve over the next few days anyways but just in case um we made the vet appointment anyways and we’re going to go in Thomas oh my gosh we’re going to go in and see what he says year been a little bit much don’t you do it as you can see Thomas feels perfectly fine that that hits my mind um is going to be if uh if we ended up
with some ulcerations in either the stomach or the small intestines from that that colic episode uh being dehydrated and that that’s why the stool got so so dry typically is they weren’t drinking correctly um a lot of times that in this kind of weather It’s Not Unusual to see that so I’ve also noticed though lately the past couple months her just like looking not as healthy not as vibrant you know so the weight loss so I don’t know did the weight loss happen acutely or has that been going on for a little while since
Friday she’s drastically dropped weight and looks dehydrated obviously but but I but she’s usually just like so hard to keep we off where that doesn’t seem to be the case lately oh girl oh I would probably pick 17 17 so that would okay that’s what that’s what I would pick as a number which for a pony that’s not crazy old right correct yeah she has foundered in the past not not with us before we got her so the heart s sounds pretty normal and the rate is normal that’s good put a number on it okay so our heart rate is 40 nice
normal nice normal heart rate respiration normal normal rate normal effort in and l sound clear okay so I’m hearing GI sounds but they’re very subtle very quiet mhm so would say reduced in volume there was a pretty good good volume sound so that would make me think when we go from soft Quiet Sounds to very loud boisterous sounds there’s some cramping going on in there okay seem like that’s uncomfortable yeah cuz normally like you can mess around with her and she does not usually kick get you okay we’ve been here 991 normal 10 yeah
I think that’s that’s what it was I checked it Saturday it was the same so not Runing fever what I am hearing uh when I listen to the GI tra chess sounds fine um the GI tract there’s very very soft subtle sounds interrupted sporadically by loud boisterous type sounds makes me think cramping type sensation so uh a very rapid weight loss and inappetance after this episode really makes me think about some ulcer ulceration in the GI tract um unfortunately there’s no way I can prove that uh my endoscope isn’t going to get
there uh one pathway is treat what we see treat what things make sense uh and then we assess our response so that’s going to be antibiotics that’s going to be starting on a proton pump inhibitor osol uh to reduce to help help get rid of acid so that the ulcers can heal um and I would use some bios sponge to help settle down the gut and probiotics if we’re not already on she’s already on them okay good um I would do those things then I’m going to like a purine equin senior or impact senior or Patriot
senior feed I’m going to moisten it with just a little bit of warm water just to kind of make it a little more moist um so the basically the the treatment for what we think is going on would be one pathway the other pathway is pull some blood and run some blood work make sure we don’t see anything that uh she’s in kid she’s got kidney failure or uh liver’s in deep TR TR something like that white cells are through the roof or in the basement things that would alter potentially alter what we do here
um whichever pathway you want to go is she drinking very well or I think she’s drinking yeah she came down to the water trough and I I mean I kept a bucket of water in the barn she didn’t drink that but she’s not used to drinking water in the barn she goes to the water uh heated water or busting ice busting ice okay do you have any water heaters yeah okay let’s do that okay uh either a heated water bucket or a water tank heater or something like that um as cold as it’s been there are there are horses that
just don’t drink cold water adequately they drink but they don’t drink enough huh and if they’ve had some had some collic and that would that that could be the explanation of why she got she got con why that stool got so dry um we we definitely see that this time here some of them just will not drink ice water never knew that I have seen her drink a couple times but yeah like you said it was just six yeah how old did you think she was I’m going to pick 17 okay so what I’m seeing is galvan’s Groove is
about halfway through the tooth the tooth is getting round so that would make us think we’re older but galvan’s Groove is still present and above that the tooth is pretty smooth so usually it’s you know gin group starts at 10 fully through the tooth at 15 going at 20 is halfway through so 17 com 18 would be which goes right along with her story so that’s how old she would be yeah I think her body condition’s always been so I mean right and she won’t bre we had her with a couple different stallions CU we
thought oh it’ be fun to have full but she’s never bred so yeah well not everybody’s I I’d say we just do option one right yeah treat and the response okay so I will start working on getting that written up um and we will okay we are done at the vet and it ended up being a lot bigger deal than we thought so he’s worried that the pony has ulcers it’s no way to prove it other than just listening to the gut and just looking at symptoms so we’ve got a ton of preventative maintenance and work to do on her like five six different
medications for 2 weeks twice daily and then Jewel ended up being a lot worse than we thought she had an impacted anal gland and the vet couldn’t get it um extracted so they had to do a surgery on it and she’s got a ton of medication for the next couple weeks and she is not happy right now yeah poor a baby and she’s supposed to wear that stupid cone for two weeks so though yeah we knew she had an issue going on we just didn’t realize it was that big of a deal yeah thought thought we were going in for a
quick checkup and ended up being about a $700 visit yeah but we’d spend a million to save juwel she’s our favorite animal poor baby they had to put her to sleep so she’s still a little wobbly too if I had to pick between Oliver and juwel I don’t know what I do okay Daisy’s back home she’s had the first part of her medication which I don’t remember the name of it it’s down at the Big Barn I’ll have to get it for you but she takes that about 30 minutes um before all of the other medication so now it’s time for she’s got equin senior
um I have just her regular supplements and probiotics in there uh we got a fourth of scoop of this and the metrazol is in there which is the antibiotic and then also before we give her the grain we’re going to give her this so I think this is for only about four days um anyways it’s a lot for our poor girl but she hasn’t been feeling good so hopefully this is the trick and she’ll start feeling better you ready to eat Daisy okay we’re going to give her this first see if you guys can see it I’m up
here by myself medicine good girl squeeze out very easy does it good okay so she got the paste and now it’s just time for her grain and then she’ll just come out here with the rest of the horses come on or Poli whatever you want to call [Music] them okay eat that up girl there you go eat it up well Daisy was a naughty girl and she didn’t like her grain with all the medicine in it so uh I guess we’re going to have to get a syringe and try to get the medicine down her really quick okay so I just went
ahead and mix the medications in some water and a syringe going to give it to her that way and then we’ll just give her grain to her just nice and plain the way she likes it hey Miss Daisy time for your medicine good girl yeah there that was easier huh good job that was easier he Miss Daisy Is out of her stall for the day she’s had her medicine um she didn’t eat her grain maybe she’ll come out here and eat some hay I’m sure she’s looking for alala don’t you bite me but um the vet said no Alfalfa for
Daisy so she just needs some regular grass hay she’s eating it that’s good so we’ll come out later and see how she feels Thomas he’s being orry oh you little stinker tap it I’m going to make Isaac come out here and get you so say a little prayer for our Daisy girl give her a thumbs up and then we’ll try to update you in another video or a few days once we know how she’s doing hopefully she pops out of this really quick say goodbye