Famous Budweiser Clydesdale 2013 Foal Then and Now / Best Super Bowl Commercial / Winning Name

hey folks how you doing this is out coming to you from sunny Florida well rainy Florida today well folks I think we all could agree that the best commercials of the year are typically on Superbowl Sunday and I just thought it would be great to show my favorite commercial of all time which is a commercial called Brotherhood and I thought it would be fun the commercial was actually made in 2013 and I thought it would be fun to check up on the Clydesdale horse because she was the fall in the commercial and I thought it

would be fun to check up on what she’s up to today and what she looks like and it was it’s a great commercial folks it’s the story of trainer and a Clydesdale horse and he goes through thick and thin with the horse and she’s sick and he sleeps in the stable with the horse and you know and then eventually when it comes time with the horse has to move on he doesn’t want to part with the horse
please tune into the commercial and I show it to you it’s gonna be silent because the soundtrack that went along with it was to Fleetwood Mac’s landslide so when you watch this song if you could think of the song landslide it’s actually blocked in I know for some reason all across the world so I can’t really show you the commercial with the soundtrack but I’ll try to get something else on there but anyway look at the commercial it’s really good it’s my favorite commercial of all time and the key is at the end of the toward the end

of the video I want to tell you the name of the horse because Budweiser at the end of that commercial suggested that people name the horse and it was very popular 60,000 people tweeted in names so I’m gonna tell you the name of the horse the name of the foal and I’m gonna show you what she’s up to today so tune in I hope you enjoy it’s something a little different than I thought
you real soon on the video [Music] another my reflection in snow [Music] today you go folks and as you can see at the end of the commercial but wise they asked people to name this foal and let’s just check up on her today and see what she looks like before I tell you her name it’s really really interesting and I’ll show you some baby pictures over to [Music] I’m John Soto I’m the breeding farm supervisor here at Warm Springs Ranch which is the birthplace of the Budweiser Clydesdales so what we have in here are you the

youngest babies we have right now which were all born in September normally what we do is when we name more babies we start with the first whether the mom’s name joy had a little guy we named Julio he was actually born on Mexican Independence Day this is moose he was born the night Mike Moustakas hit nine RBIs for the for the Royals they’re like toddlers actually at this point where they’re always gotta they’re always got to nibble on fun sometimes you can see here folks I have some pictures here of Clydesdales when they

are foals and cults and you can see that they look more horse I mean they are a horse but you can see at this age they’re a little bit thinner but you could also see where they’re starting to get burly and this is about five to seven weeks old which was the age that the foal was in the commercial you just saw and you could see that they’re very head they’re hairier than a regular horse and that they have the burly features I like the bigger face and like the wider legs and they’re much bigger much heavier than a regular horse but

this is a baby picture of the horse in the commercial and the name that was chosen for her drumroll please was hope and as the man said they like to like to make names that are simpler and easier for the commands and really really interesting stuff so now folks I want to show you what hope looks like today six years later and she’s a mom and she’s having a great time and then I’m gonna show you how well the horses are treated at their ranch how much fun that they have and if there is such a thing as a

second life I might want to come back as a pod wise a Clydesdale so tune in and I’ll show you our state soon rather and I’ll show you hope as she looks like today so this is a picture of hope today she’s a mom herself and she’s looking really good and she lives at the ranch there and it’s a great life and she’s very attractive a really really nice horse and the horses that they use in the commercial actually all male voices because they’re bigger and they carry they’re able to pull the wagon easier

but the females are just as important because they’re there taking care of the foals and there they are keeping everybody else in line and they’re just great wonderful animals and like I said I just thought it was won’t be wonderful just to check up on how she was doing and and that congratulations she’s a mom herself right now so let’s just take a look down I’ll show you a little bit of how much fun the Clydesdales have I don’t the ranch so here we are folks and you could see it’s a wonderful life that they lead

and like I say I think I wouldn’t mind coming back as a Clydesdale folks if you’ve enjoyed this video I love doing animal videos love doing all kinds of videos but if you’ve enjoyed this video please subscribe please give me some feedback give me a like those of you who follow my channel know that we lost our son Matt six months ago he lost his fight with addiction and we would really like to start a foundation for him called the waffles foundation that was a brilliant musician and we want to give

out musical instruments to kids in need and that will be the plan so I’m not like I’m not asking for any monetary thing here but just a subscription to the channel will be great because I’m looking to monetize the channel and all proceeds for that monetization would go toward what we call the waffle foundation the waffles foundation and it’s called a waffles foundation saving lives one note at a time and again we want to be able to give musical instruments too in a city kids so anybody who wants to learn how to play

music and who can’t afford the interests of it because Matt lived for music he loved music there’s a brilliant musician taken too quick from us at the age of 27 and we miss them and we love them so folks thanks for tuning in I really hope you enjoyed this video give me a like give me some feedback for some future videos love and supports everyone out there who’s lost a child or a loved one it’s not easy to live through phones but you guys got to do it one day at a time and don’t be afraid to ask for help we

sure I have and there’s a lot of folks out there in the same position so for now this is owl signing off from sunny Florida hope you enjoyed this video once again I’ll see you real soon on the next video and take care of yourself