little bit of a of a different setup yes I was right the last time because I was saying I think this is the last podcast we do with the backdrop from the old version is this then season two A New Beginning Fresh Start background new location New Life I I guess this might actually be the the season to the 2.0 also I don’t know if I mentioned already but we’re shooting everything on a different camera because I couldn’t find the lost everything passports we barely honestly we brought so much stuff for
the move there was like five or six trucks and that’s not including the horse trucks and trailers we did yeah and even then we have nothing we have I have no idea where anything is we haven’t really had time to go through it you and I are just two children that have it’s very organized but the organized part is not organized nothing is organized sorry but it’s the truth and I when we were packing I also said to yes I said 75% of everything we packed we could have either thrown away or given charity there’s just so much excess yeah
there’s nothing we can do about it now so we’re shooting on this camera instead so yeah so bear with us yeah bear with us with the chaos welcome into our old bar a little bit of a different scenery you guys might might be used to seeing our old Stables I know I know some of the people following were saying oh it’s going to be sad not to see you guys there I think a lot of people Associated us with not just for the podcast but just for our content with that background especially for you I think because I mean I was filming and doing
more things at home home uh you were always there with your hostes yeah no that’s true so maybe we need to have a little quick for the new people watching yeah so let’s we’re going to have a really quick uh deep Reef there was a lot of questions a lot has happened and uh we’re going to get into all of it but let’s summ summarize really quickly some big events that’s happened there was some confusion also online as to who which horses where do we already live here so we’re going to clear that up
straight away I can understand I’m even confused myself yeah it’s been it’s been a lot in the last couple of uh couple of days weeks we have firstly moved all of our uh reden horses and horses that are being worked to our local Stables 20 minutes away from here so those horses are Emporio rro my new horse Valero AO hes and Macho anes and Macho so all all of those horses 20 minutes away from this house from the new house then everybody and that’s why are you going to explain why why what why they are
there and not here yeah well I mean we’re going to get into that a little bit later cuz we have some questions but just to clarify where all the horses are also if you hear no background noises the farmer next door to us uh is currently fertilizing the field so you’re going to be hearing maybe some of that anyway so a lot of you guys were asking well hold on a minute where did Chase Annie and bear go um so we do have a vlog out on that today it’s out on yes’s channel so if you want to see the full Vlog go have a
look sorry in the beginning bear with me there’s a lot of cleaning up as well in the Vlog and well it’s just a full length Vlog of your experience of moving and everything so yeah so yeah there’s there’s a lot in there but in there is also the section of the horses moving maybe you can tell us how it went bringing the bringing the horses home because of course that was a really big chapter for us the first horses arriving the property now as you can see from behind us this is the barn we’re sitting
in it’s nowhere near ready actually nothing has happened to it yet yeah so a lot of people even asking why are you not showing us any Renovations or nothing well because there hasn’t been any that’s not oh in the barn yes in the house there has yeah in the house but there’s nothing really been happening here yet because we’re still working through it um but yeah to get the horses at the house it’s very special I think for myself I was really thinking like we were always dream when we were walking
around on the property like oh how would it be if one day the horses would be here now they are here um it was a very eventful arrival is all I can say so to clarify uh how it went down how it all went down when the horses arrived here um uh we had uh decided that we were going to bring them all together at the same time so we moved all the other horses to the other Stables first and then we brought the three together so we we went and picked up yes’s uh old trailer from a friend that’s here in the
area um and we actually I picked it up and on the way to picking it up because it was super early there was like there was no street lights on it was it was still dark The sun hadn’t risen I backed into a tree and crashed the truck which was not a great start to the day um but once I managed to uh not crash into the truck and actually back into the trailer instead uh and hitch it up um we loaded all the horses uh together bear being in the trailer the other two in the truck and we drove here now when we arrived we wanted to unload
at the front of the house or more like the side of the house because that’s where there’s hard ground there’s like a big uh ashalt Road and all the other roads on the property uh need a little bit of work cuz they’re all very muddy at the moment they are roads uh but they just need to be fixed up a little because right now it’s it’s too unstable also to drive on them as well we unloaded Chase an first uh and we started to get them rugged so they could go out in the field an first and then beer and then because then I was holding
be and I need for you to put on the rug and then all of a sudden I was only holding a rope I was like why am I only holding a rope we were all very confused lose we were all very confused yes it was just like holding the horses and I was busy doing the rugs and then all of a sudden we heard like T good thing we live here and we can come anytime oh wait okay the Rope is loose took in some my video and yeah maybe I can use that clip and just show that it was my heart was like in my throat and I was like oh my God
this horse is loose and we’re like the property’s like right next to obviously the road where you access the property from and there is some traffic on that road so I was like I hope this horse doesn’t turn left and go onto the road and of course you can’t just like run after him because you’ll just run away so I was like be come here and I was slowly walking uh towards him and what does he do he turns left I’m surprised he left the others me too because they are like a very close-knit group he
turns left out of the property onto the main road towards the bend of the road and I was like oh my God he’s going to get hit by a car he was also trotting at that point at that point he was just he was off he’s going to get either hit by a car or he’s just going to run off into God knows where or into like a barb wire fence cuz there’s a lot of farms around us with cow fencing and I was like it so that was the first five minutes for us on the property luckily a car came around the bend rather slow they saw me
running after this Pony this Pony like at this point he was like almost cantering off uh on the road they stopped they opened both their doors and they both stepped out and then bear stopped and then I was able to get him and I was so grateful to these people I don’t know who they are it was like a mother and a daughter the was lovely people so thank you so much I we I’d love to send you flowers if you know if you know who these people are if if you heard that these two guys moved into the area and these women uh got out of the
car to rescue a pony that was us we would love your details to send you fers cuz we’re so grateful it was honestly such a nightmare it was like 5 minutes we just arrived it was exciting and then it what was happening because I was holding the others yeah and I asked your parents like is he going to the road no no and then all a sudden I C SP click click click click yeah and then you could hear him caning on the ashalt so know you can’t it was terrible but then when he saw the car come and they got out he
stopped because they were pretty much taking up the whole Road and I was also worried because they had stopped on the bend I was worried that they were going to get rear ended by someone else but luckily that didn’t happen I caught bear collected ourselves anyway and then we made our way so always check your ropes cuz his clip was just not clipping the clip had like loosened and was just going down but it hadn’t been when we loaded him it must have just happened somehow along the way it just gave way
um oh we didn’t notice I don’t know don’t know I don’t know what happened but anyway so then once we had gathered all the horses again uh we ended up uh going straight to the field and taking them down we’ve given them like a maybe four or five acre uh field where they have just the ability to uh be there fulltime obviously we don’t have Stables or anything set up here so they’re just living in the field but we’ve made sure they have like hay out there they have water cuz we wanted to walk them around
the fencing so they knew exactly where defensing was and everything but all they wanted was to just eat yeah because the the field we created for them is like I think 4ish Acres it’s quite large and so we wanted to show them everything but they seemed so subtle and stuff that we thought okay let’s just take the halter is off and they just started grazing yeah straight away they look like they belong there from the very beginning they have they seem very happy they like what what’s really special
actually is Chase really took up the like leader role so he was really making sure they all stayed in to the open part of the field because you have one that’s more surrounded by the forest and one more open part and he wanted them all at the open part yeah um and then he was really looking out for like everything that happened around him so it was quite special he really took care of his little Hood yeah it was really like seeing them go back to like these Natural Instincts almost straight away
uh and and like while the others were eating Chase would be more on the lookout and keeping an eye out and they have settled they’ve been here for about a week now so they have settled more they’ve just been Dred into this random field for them yeah but I they seem really happy yeah and they move a lot and they yeah they’re constantly moving now and um bear we’ve obviously cuz luckily it’s winter grass right now so it’s and it’s quite high so there’s not a lot of sugar so bear can tolerate but he’s been kind of having grazing muzzle
on grazing muzzle off we’ve been trying to manage it like that so far knock on wood he’s been doing well there’s not been any signs of him having too much sugar but they all seem so content and I was telling you cuz you were a bit worried and and I understandably so because an is 30 years old but I was telling you I was like this is like the dream for uh a more like older retired horse just to live out in the field and just be a horse I mean obviously for any horse it is um but that’s also why I
wanted to bring her here because I did not want to move her again and again and again so not for her to go to the other stable first and then to come here again I just wanted her if she moved that she could move to like her home home yeah and I mean th also thinking throughout all of our horses lives we’ve had periods where we’ve been able to keep the horses out 24/7 in the summer at our old house but aside from those couple of weeks we’ve never had the ability because of the of the of the weather and
not having enough space because otherwise it just becomes this mud pit and then you start to have all sorts of other issues um so it’s the first time in all of our horses lives maybe not B but the others for sure uh that they are living out 24/7 and even has frozen whisker yeah it’s like I’m back in Finland yeah it’s really cute um so that’s an update on all the the home horses I hope I I will show you more of them as we go along to be honest there was so much going on on that day that we arrived
that I was like okay I I just need to focus on the hor so we tried to my my parents literally just held yes’s phone and filmed a little bit like that but it was just too much going on to like not be fully focused and even then we had a horse on the road and the day before that we were still moving every everything out of the house yeah and days after that we were still moving so there was so much going on and I thought you know what I just want to be present for this moment and just try and and and
try and enjoy it um we still arrived later than we wanted to yeah we did there we have severely underestimated this whole move but we will get into that uh a little bit later other things that have happened this month which you guys have seen is that yes and I went to Finland that was a really exciting trip we went we went for horse whe so all the content will be coming out on there I do have a vlog coming out out about it on my YouTube channel but the actual main videos we filmed which is like us trying
archery um talking about the fin horse yeah exploring and getting to know the fin horses um and several lots of other activities that we did that that’s all going on horse TV but I do I do have a vlog kind of like of the behind the scenes and some of like our trail ride and stuff like that that’s it was really really beautiful yeah it was amazing it was actually and very cold and nearly cried a few times yeah the cold was it was like minus close to minus 30 on suay so I was filming she had like black
finger at one point yeah nearly black so and that’s when you get into the territory that there’s no way back like you’ve lost a finger so it was like serious cold but we’re going to get into that a little bit more in the Vlog you guys will be seeing that it’s a very long Vlog so hopefully you guys will will enjoy that well bear with me bear with us on that one that’s coming out this month but I’ve asked you guys a bunch of questions on well I just put up a question box on Instagram to see what you guys wanted to know from the last
months of happenings uh here at the I’m actually curious sorry how many people here on YouTube are also on Instagram I don’t know I can I can see how many people come from Instagram from my YouTube analytics but I don’t know I don’t know what the ratio is so if you’re let me know if you’re not on Instagram or if you are okay like to know fun um but yeah I’ve asked you guys to send us just some questions you’ve had from the last month I was inundated like what like just so many people asking so many questions it
was like thousands and thousands and thousands of questions even like my story received like 130 140,000 I know how that works that sometimes the story gets more I don’t know like it’s but I I’m so grateful honestly you guys have like you’ve shown us so much interest and support and I know I mean there’s been Lots going on also lately to like watch but it’s been so fun so thank you but I want to get into the questions cuz we do have a lot this will be a bit of a longer episode than you longer here we
are yeah this the intro song okay first question this was a question that um got asked quite a lot obviously because we showed you all the horses we were uh moving and that is where is Buri and if you guys remember Buri is a sales horse that I had that I castrated and that I was training up um and Buri actually found his new home uh I didn’t really film that that part because it’s more private when these things uh happen but he’s happy he’s found a new home he’s actually very local he went to one of
our neighbors at the old Stables uh and they they’re really loving him and enjoying him and they send me lots of updates and he’s doing really well but he is sold um we currently have no sales horses at all and I won’t be entertaining that for a very long time I don’t even know if I I mean you’re never know what you yeah you never know but at this point you said then too and then h a week later here it was at this point there is no sales horses I have no plans on having sales horses because we don’t
have like an operational stable of our own and it doesn’t make sense if we are paying to be at someone else’s table we do not it looks operational for the hourl it’s it’s operational in some spots to stay dry not even in everywhere pretty cold here but that’s where that’s where buy is next question will yeser ever post on YouTube again in a timely manner love you guys uh yes tonight yeah there’s a video going out right now after this head over to yes’s YouTube and there’s a video out for me I really
like doing it but I don’t know I just struggle with the finishing it all I think it’s one of those things where you can only do so much and like you have like products and that side of things and e-commerce business uh that you do that I don’t so I have more time to dedicate to YouTube and the we just the it’s nice that you still get to be on YouTube on my channel and you don’t have the pressure of having to edit and all that kind of stuff and I think it’s to be honest I always like better filming
together I think it’s more entertaining I enjoy it more it’s more fun so you do oh I do my nose is running cuz it’s so bloody cold oh because you got excited no um but I enjoy that I get and it’s you’re very nice that you like come on my channel and and we get to do it here but it’s nice that like it’s even though you’re not posting on your channel you’re still on YouTube does that make sense like your presence is here you’re with us but yeah I will be posting today and I’ve tried sometimes to post
more regularly but it usually feels so yeah today there will be one surpr I mean it’s your thing but I would say don’t expect regular content on yes’s YouTube in the near future but you can expect them regularly on this channel it’s kind of basically our channel to be honest at this point right she wants a cut she wants a revenue share talk about that later okay next question are you happier in your new house and stable well I’ve hardly been here but yes yeah yes I had a really big show so he was away for the show and practicing
for that and and the moving and stuff so we’ve we have had like this is my second day here really yeah I we’ve been here for technically I think a week is but it’s yes’s basic second day but I will say for myself I’m so much happier here I feel so much more fulfillment there’s been we’ve not today actually but the last couple days we’ve been having incredible weather so I’ve just been outside tinkering in the garden going to the horses going to the horses at the Stables 20 minutes away and I feel
actually it’s quite nice to go to the Stables there too yeah I just feel really fulfilled content happy excited so yeah but for me it is a bit strange still that we live here like the move kind of happened yeah it’s difficult to process yes but really grateful and yes very happy will rro be offered for breeding in the future when our Emporio first Falls due um so I’m not sure if I’m actually going to offer rro for breeding in the future I’m not sure I mean if there’s demand for it I will um I am go I I am going to work on getting
him licensed first that’s important uh I have no uh doubts he will pass because he is I think to be honest in some aspects he’s better than important some other aspects important is better but um he’s a very talented horse he’s a very correct horse as well so I don’t think there’s going to be any issues with him getting licensed so perhaps if there’s enough interest that’s something I will do and the first fall of Emporio June and April I do have videos coming out about little Imperial yeah it will be
really really sweet and it’s a full PR fall so we will see how it’s it’s not far I think it’s like 40 minutes so but I’m sharing more of that uh beginning of April I’m going to be sharing more of that story and we’re going to be actually going to visit the the place and the May and we have some videos we already made of the insemination um and then we’re going to be covering the birth and everything so that will be really fun something to look forward to in in April is an imperal baby oh and then hopefully I
find a little Mir for much too around the time oh yeah I I’m overwhelmed already just by the amount of horses we have but it will be cute I mean we have the space you just bought a huge horse and I only want a little pony like that horse is equivalent to five shetlands so I’ll buy five shetlands um I got this question a lot and it’s will you be making more YouTube videos about your new house absolutely there is just there’s two things for you guys to keep in mind from our side firstly is like I try and document a
little bit like what’s actually going on in our lives and because there’s been so much going on in our lives for the past couple of weeks that’s taken precedence because it’s going to be weird if in like three months while we’ve already been living here for three months I then show you the move um and secondly uh Renovations do take some time and I want to show you like things actually happening in the video rather than like very very very slow process um so the videos are coming out I will be having
at least one video this month if not two about the house and where we’re at so those are in the works but it’s not something I can CH out every video so they will be threaded throughout my my content but I kind of have to follow the timeline the realistic timeline of the renovations I mean I would love family has been very helpful yeah yeah because they live here and help in the renovations yeah so you guys will be seeing that I go into it in my Vlogs uh about so just keep an eye out for those but they are they are coming this
month will you keep Valera as a stallion for breeding one day uh yes I’m also going to be getting him licensed I don’t think this year because I just the licing would break well you don’t breed live no but if you would yeah that’s what I used to think about Sereno but he bred live let’s pull those poor tiny Pi M um yeah I will want to breed from him I want to wait a bit more time I’ll get him licensed when he’s four years old he just turned three so next year I’ll get him licensed and then we will see how we go but he is an
incredible horse and I think he would produce some incredible and he comes from a really good breeder um but I think he would produce some incredible folds as well but we will we will see first I would like to back him see how he feels like under under the saddle get him licensed and then we will see we see get to know his character more in those things I think yeah this is a question for you is it dangerous to leave bear in the meadow because of the Wolves well I’ve been obsessed doing research about
the wolves and yes it is dangerous like it is not very likely for it something to happen because the wolves have as we have said before are coming back into the Netherlands and there are some places where there are wolves and there are some occasions where wolves have either attacked fools or Little Ponies but I don’t think in this area there hasn’t really been any issues and um what helps in this situation and this case as well is that chase and an are with Bear yeah so a wolf is a opportunist and that means that they
will usually most likely only do it when they have a really high success rate of attacking and not getting attacked themselves and Jase is very protective so in that sense J is very protective so he’s always keeping an eye out and he’s like I would say he’s like confrontational like he’s going to go you know like he’s not like passive he’s like oh something’s there I’m going and I really keep an eye out for tracks and all these things so oh my God every time we go to visit the horses up there yes
is looking the mud and he’s like that is a wolf pole and I’m like that is a French Bulldog pole that is a tiny pole there’ll be like the spacings between the paes will be like this much and you say like but I’ve only looked up to the like the foot and then you can see the nails and all these things but that is what is called a dog yeah wolf is also much the dog but anyway so it is a little bit dangerous but it is lock on everything um there’s a much higher chance for it not to happen and I will
say like in this area there’s a lot of like sheep that live out 24/7 which to me I would think is like a much easier Target uh there’s other horses that live out 24/7 in like at the old uh land we were wanting to buy uh which is only like 20 well 30 minutes away from here but in the same region uh there was a full like Shetland Farm do you remember and they were out 24/7 and we haven’t heard of any incidences here from wolves I mean of course it can always happen like up in yeah of course it can always happen
but we cannot lock up our horses in a stable 24/7 because it might happen one day you know it’s just one of those things where we will take every single precaution we can electric fencing and everything we have that all there um but yeah we we we just have to let them be horses as as well and I keep track of all the where the wolves are spotted yeah there’s like all different groups that yes is in surveillance groups uh okay next question the three you brought home do they ever come in and if so
where no the horses are full-time in the field they never come into the The Stables that’s something that’s going to happen probably once the Stables here is finished maybe what I was thinking they love it so much there that I don’t I mean it’s good to have I think for like situations where you want it’s really bad weather or if you want to watch them or for the faer I was thinking I don’t know how to do it with the fa we’re going to have to figure that out but anyways but maybe they like it so much that they won’t even want to
come in or they’re happy outside I thought that too I was like maybe the oldies can just stay out 247 you know it might just be that this is like the the movement is so good for them and if they’re happy and we’re happy then why not this I mean more ponies why have more tables fore oh my God maybe they are going to come in after all um next question how did you decide on the name valo it’s so funny so I was I was like I posted a small photo of like the horses arriving at the new stables and I didn’t think
about it but the name tag on the stable said Valero so everyone’s like is this the name what’s going on is this the name and then I just casually slipped it in in the next Vlog um Kim even blocked it when she was filming for me really wow well I failed um but the name so I really like the name Val but the problem with that Valor oh what do you mean yeah it was Vala or Valor Val yeah it depends if I pronounce it Aussie then it’s Valor but that I really enjoyed that name but to me it sounded too feminine and he’s such a masculine
horse so I I wanted to to bring it in more masculine and I do think F phor sounds more masculine than fero yeah but then I thought Emporio rro Valero it just made sense I don’t know to me it just made sense and when I when I you know when you finally stumble up the name and it clicks I was like yes this is the this is the one so finally not having to call it the new horse yeah he’s no longer the new horse he’s Valera and I feel like now it really suits him also when other people at the news table
go to me oh yeah Valero I’m like oh yeah Valero that that makes sense it doesn’t have like a strange ring to it or or something next question are there other horses oh are the other horses also coming home to your new house so I think that’s in reference to all the horses we currently have at the Stables 20 minutes away yes that’s definitely the goal and that’s definitely what will happen but as you can see there’s nothing here for them yet no uh there’s also no trading facilities here yet like no Arena uh
nothing so that’s why they are there but once everything here will be finished or at least the least of the things the minimum of the things that we need will be finished and they will be coming home but I will take a long time it will take time to be honest I think realistically I know there’s a question actually I’ll answer there’s a question coming up about that we’ll we’ll get into that in a second then so have you guys already decided or found a compromise for all the fencing at the new house and what
style well we’re thinking about it we’re still thinking about it I think we’re going to start with uh we’re not going to commit to like the final final product I think we’re going to start with like um offence with uh like a permanent cable wire or just electric wire and we’re going to live with the design for a while because we’ve talked to you guys in the past the fencing is super expensive and we want to make sure that once it’s in it’s not going to have to come out and be moved so we’re going to live with the
design first and then we’ll add the lot to do so there’s a lot to do I think other things are more important as long as they can stay in the field yeah I mean we will make don’t get me wrong we will make it super nice already um and I think I think when you guys will see the design which I will sh later later on um but when you guys will see the design of the fencing it’s going to it’s going to be really nice like we’re doing it in a way that’s very like estate Parkland kind of it’s really pretty there’s no
straight lines it’s Meandering pods it’s really really nice but I will share that when it’s a little bit closer to the time of of of making that happen you know what is so exciting we’re now here in Jan February it’s February February already yeah um and we’re just coming closer and closer to spring so I am kind of happy that of this is happening now in like winter cuz if you start here I mean we kind of started in summer but if you live here and start all these things in summer then the only thing you’re
going to watch is winter and now we’re only going to better exactly and I mean to be honest now everything is so w you couldn’t even do fening if you wanted to so it’s kind of nice that now we have the time to to get all of our ducks in a row and get it all good yes next question did Yesa get his nanta products in the Attic no tell the people you I will admit when you you have the ability to say I was wrong you were right tell the people what you told me about that when we were moving well that you are
right that it is better how I have it now because I did rent I am renting now a uh office and Warehouse beautiful Warehouse it’s brand new it’s really nice yeah it’s really nice but then there I am on the ground floor with like a really big door that can open and we were filling it up with all the the racks like the storage rack and all my stand stuff and a lot of the horse stuff and that took with four movers and your family my family Carline all of us helping it took us only that day 15 hours I think yeah and we weren’t even
finished but but also the amount of stuff there is no way it would have ever fitted here and then to be going up and down the office uh ethic when I need to get like my products in or out or when I have to go to an event no I don’t think I would have really enjoyed imagine the stand I would have enjoyed the save on money like the I mean of course anyone would enjoy saving that but for the rest I think this is a lot better I don’t really have heating or anything ready there yet so it’s quite cold when I go
now and it’s a bit of a mess still um but slowly but surely it’s getting there and it’s a nice place but I’m so glad we didn’t try it here first to be how many addicts do you think we would have needed to to house everything we have no we could have been smart but I think maybe that once was a bit small for you I think we would have needed maybe 10 addicts no yeah because you can’t go as high as we did with the storage units yeah I’m really cold yeah it’s it’s really cold here today guys um but yeah
so no it didn’t go into the attic okay next question has the time frame to finish uh change wait has the time frame to finish changed regarding home Bond land yes well it to be honest in my mind I always predicted we would finish some time late 2025 not with not with every single thing but that was like for the big stuff that was my idea yes it was like yes it was like April April will be ready well I me not quite it could if like everything works in our favor and we have stables and an outdoor I’m ready
to have the horses here yeah the rest I don’t really I mean I care about the rest but yeah I think you and I didn’t underestimate the amount of work because even also the permits yeah but you and I didn’t underestimate the amount of work I think we underestimated the amount of work when you’re trying to sympathetically renovate so when you’re trying to do a lot of restoration rather than just like buying something new like there is so much more time and detail that goes into preserving history and
making sure like everything stays the same and you’re only doing very sympathetic uh and authentic Restorations that’s the thing that’s taken the most time we haven’t had for now any nasty surprises or something it’s just takes so much more time with an old building if you’re trying to do it correct um and of course like we’re not in a rush rush as long as the can come but for the rest it doesn’t really really matter yeah and of course like the permits and everything this is why also like we can’t share with you guys
the whole vision and everything because there’s like a very formal procedure we have to go through for the permits and it has to be an ongoing conversation with us and the council and a lot of other committees but once things are fin I we can start to share more what we can share is two permits that have been fully approved which we can share now it’s those are fine is it yeah the the first one is the second entrance yeah so that was the first uh permit we got yeah we’re going to be creating a second
entrance on the property and the second one was actually also really exciting and that is something we really really need it our outdoor Arena has been approved y so we can ride on the property that will be good um so those are two huge permits that have gone through we have a lot of other permits in the works um in the next month or two we get should be getting a lot of feedback on that so scary every time I get this notification and then I need to sign in and then I’m always like it’s like russan and last time we had
something we had to change or like fill like add something so it’s like nearly hyperventilating and then it was like but the conversations are going really well with the council and we have communication and we have a good team so I think we’re on the we’re going to be we’re on the right track for sure do you and Yesa have a design planned out for your new bar that’s kind of what you just said no it depends on everything before no but we do have a design we’ve presented a design and everything and worked with eoin
residences Andre noes who you guys have seen in our previous video that helped design our other bond for the other uh property we were going to buy makes really really s and she’s come up with an incredible design designed for this place we have the full renderings I hope we can share them in the next like 4 to 8 weeks cuz we’re waiting for some approvals uh but once that’s approved I will definitely be sharing that with you guys and it’s going to it’s going to be really nice yes we’re doing something
that is of course uh in keeping with the old style of the barn but it’s going to be very practical The Stables are going to be yeah really cozy The Stables are going to be huge which is going to be really nice for the horses uh but there will be more to to come on that hopefully in the next couple of months what was an unexpected challenge during the moving process P beer on the road I think oh yeah well aside let’s let’s think about like moving like all the stuff oh um I know one that comes straight to mind those awful the
dismantling and the mantling or the building up again of those horrendous shelves for the warehouse he didn’t even do it oh my well I did hello I was there at 1:00 a.m. doing it what are you talking about excuse me I didn’t do it no I thought the movers did well they they disassembled them but I was assembling them back with everybody else but it was it was so loud huh because I I thought I had four layers but there were five layers so we have so much stuff yeah so much stuff left yeah my everyone
was like yes how many shelves uh like how many shelves do you need to have on this on this like storage rack and he’s like oh I think four I think four and then it was five so we have so many shelves left so many like spare parts way now just the chaos continues are there things from this moving process that you would have done differently now um yes what no you go first I don’t know because I mean I would have now I think it was just a lot with moving like the last few weeks have been very intense
with getting all the stuff there and doing everything at once and then the horses and then work and all that thing but if then I have to think to do it differently will also be very hard because if I move all these things before it’s like also your work so you can’t really move these things more separate I think 75% of everything we packed could have could have gone it could have been donated or thrown away we there was so much hard any time so much stuff that I know there I know I know that’s the issue but there was so
much stuff we’ve never touched what what’s the point what’s the point of keeping it we can now also like keep thinking about that but it’s here now so we will be I don’t know it all happens for reason maybe there’s somebody here maybe we can do a big cuz a lot of this stuff is brand new like a lot of this stuff has literally been used once or something so maybe we can do either a big sale or I don’t know we need to figure something out or we what we do usually is we donate it to riding schools we can do that too but we’re
talking about like huge amounts of money this it’s not like there’s a lot of value there so we need to see it a little bit maybe some of it can go and some of it we sell I don’t know if any of you guys want us to host a mega sale of all an auction of all different stuff then let us know there be any new additions to the family with this with this big move more animals even maybe I think what I heard is that Ming P want a little sister I honestly that’s the last thing we need is another dog but I think
that’s what they wanted they tell you that I’m pregnant huh I’m in a fry that is so disturbing we’re going to move right along for now there is no more animals in the works I mean at one point I would love sheep and chickens and yes it wants a whole bloody zoo I want ponies yeah you want more ponies which I like the idea of cuz you also like a nice show team of ponies for you would be really good but also like they’re so cute to have like in the field and and I just want to have a mro baby this like breed it this year for it
to come next year yeah so we will see but there’s no big plans of big horses or anything like like that are there already rooms completed and done in the house completely done completely oh oh are there already rooms completely done in the house I would say completely no we’re waiting on like soft furnishings and some final details but there is one four rooms that are like 80% done yes you guys will be seeing that soon very nice so at least in the house I mean the house was always very livable it’s a
very nice home home but at least we have like a couple of spaces now that we can really go into and feel like more settled in rather than like feeling like I mean we still feel a bit like we live in a in a work site but there is some escape from your family when they lived here when they just started it was 10 times worse how’s how’s it going with Valero do you plan on doing the his whole education by yourself so luckily I have Yesa who can help me with it because he has a lot more experience with backing horses and
with young horses generally I mean I’ve kind of experienced riding Young Horses but not like doing a lot of the ground work and that kind of stuff luckily Valero is pretty good but we I think it’s going to be a project we will do together and I’m going to be following your lead for a lot of it I think most of it you would do yourself like together but you will do it yeah I don’t know if I will want to have the first sit why not I know everyone’s like oh it’s so special you know what’s special having all my teeth at the end of that
ride so I don’t know we need to see you’re really good at doing those kind of things we all have our strengths um so we will see but we will do next that if that you know if that happens you know this horse has been backed um last question is it what you thought it would be that’s a deep question can be about anything well I think clearly they mean moving and living in the in the house um yes um I don’t know yes uh well for me it’s a bit hard to uh answer that now because as I said we have been in like chaos from like moving
at work and being away and this and that so it’s been a little bit like it’s been a lot at least for me yeah so I don’t know and for you as well but I mean I can only answer for myself place is really special and that will always be so in that part if definitely is better than I yeah I mean I’ve had a couple more days especially with beautiful weather and I will say like I was doing like a Perimeter Walk of the whole property to look out check out the forests and everything and I saw pheasants I saw de
and for me it’s like surpassed every single expectation I could have like it’s beyond like I mean we’ve always known we were lucky and we found an incredible place but it’s just so magical and I hope that in like with a couple of more quiet days now you’ll be able to like really like enjoy that too cuz it’s it’s just such a special place and also starting to see some of the rooms come to life in the house and and feeling like our touch and those kind of things it’s it’s really nice so for me it’s it’s better than I could have ever
dreamt yes but even now looking around like we’re sitting here in the barn and on the other side of the door is like small part of a forest and you just hear some birds and you see the trees and yeah it’s just crazy to sit here and see all that yeah it’s really country living and there’s like there’s like this big movement on line of like slow Liv living and even though like certainly our lives are not slow there’s an element to it when we look outside and we see the deer and we’re in the countryside here and
like you walk out and you hear the birds and we have like this small river that runs AC in front of the house like there’s so many moments I’m like a this is like that beautiful slow living that everyone talks about that you can just take a second and be fully present in the moment and just enjoy what’s going on two days ago when I wasn’t home on like a show then you had like this really special day yeah the Sun and like the grass Frozen white and we had deer and pheasants yeah it was just the horses yeah the horses and like it’s
also so nice having the horses already here like it’s really brought the place to life and it’s strange to think like the last horses that were here were just around like the World War II times and now all of a sudden this like this place like hosts uh horses again like it’s come back to back to here because horses would have been such a big part of an estate like this especially before cars and everything you know there would have been a mode of TR transport they would have been used to farm the land and it’s
just so odd that they’re back they’re back and one tried to run away straight away back going here to stay yeah but that’s it for now um I want to thank you guys all so much for for watching the next video you guys will be seeing after this is a a stable tour because I’ve I’ve asked the owner of the new Stables where we have our horses if she wouldn’t mind if I did a little tour around and she was so sweet and she said yeah it’s no problem at all so you guys in the next couple days we’ll be seeing a tour
of the the new place there uh and then I’ve got quite a long Vlog for you coming out after that then we have the Finland trip we’ve got some House videos so there’s quite a a bit to look forward to this uh this month yes but that’s all video is out today yeah and yes and that’s all that’s planned yes yes’s debut back is live so go check out yes’s video just go over to Yes dren’s Channel uh and you’ll be but it just feels strange to post them now so I think they might be skipped they’ll stay in the
archives all right okay well thank you all so much for watching and we’re going to catch you guys on the next one don’t forget to be unstable Che yeah stay unstable cringe okay bye I’m frozen absolutely Frozen